ipad vs samsung galaxy tab

right now try berblogging via samsung galaxy. Cool. Dari dok berangan nak amik ipad, last2 amik samsung coz of the android.. Compare to.ipad some application kene byr but samsung is all free.
Bak kata salesman tu antara sebab ipad2 launch sebab nk compete ngan samsung punya features. Kata dialah. Bohong dia bohonglah aku ya. Kehkwhkeh o_O
the cons of using samsung, display dia kecik sket & battery tahan kurang sikit. :'( compare to ipad
tapi pros banyak gila. Ada camera, boleh jadi hp, and of coz the main factor is free app!
So far samsung aku ni togel lagik, accessories tak belik lagik,so tak tau nak review about that.
What else? Tu je kott. Oklah nak main games angry bird. Weeeeeeeee i love maternity leave.
Chowwwwwwwwws o_O