The Ugly Truth (memang pon)

Inilah cerita yang aku tengok berkali2 during weekend. Memang best. Antara cerita terbaik lepas cita how to lose a guy in 10 days. Collaboration between Heigl and Butler memang terbaik. Setanding Hudson & Mcconaughey dlm how to lose a guy. In fact aku tak sabar nak tgk their next 2nd film together. But in history jarang ada 2nd lagi terbaik dari yang 1st. For instance new moon, fool's gold, dan tak ingat apa lagi.
Oh well weekend story.
Friday was yen co dinner with a 'movie' theme which i dont rent any costume, but it was great event btw. Plenty of costume blend with beautiful colour. And Noryn Aziz is really a performer~ even she sang my favourite song ' i have nothing' by Whitney Houston.
Saturday & sunday was normal routine for a wife. nothing much to tell. Oh ya tangan tasya telah disimen buat kali ke-2.. Lasak anak perempuan aku sorang tu. Yet the same reason main basikal. I think she enjoy it much~
Well well this weekend consider as one of my lovely weekend (which can be count) .. hahahha.. yen suprise me with a new golden ring and later a white gold necklace & a pendant. :) guess it will be my lucky charm to walk through my 2010 journey.
End of story. Get back to work~
mestila suka cik bina oii..
aku juga perempuan normal
hahahhahahahaha.. memang best pn beth oii.