My day
Last weekend Yen become a very busy man which tell why i splurge my $$$ on dvd & vcd. It was really good which never realised that i skip my breakfast and lunch. The first 2 movies was:
I opt Twilight (again) since nak heat up b4 watch on New Moon. Tengok movie, tak puas then beli pirated dvd, tak puas jugakk, finally beli yg original vcd. Guess what? Still tak puas! Yen was telling me to buy on dvd since i can watch it over and over in our new baby. But i insist on the vcd then. And..... Sapa menyesal? Sila kelip mata 8 kali? Demmit.. i know Yen will membebel-bebel if he found another twilight dvd. Argh! Agaggagagagga..
The 2nd movie was hindustan.. Heheheh.. I ♥ watch them provide only my favourite actor or actress berlakon. Nangis2 tak ingat berjurai2 air mata.. Ekekeke release tension when i drop a lot of tears.. Tapi janagn sampai jadi Kassim Selamat sudahla kan?

Then later sambung dengan shopaholic tue.. Tak ingat asal tak pegi tgk that movie. Tapi cam tak hype sangat tgk cite tu..Maybe i am not the shopaholic type. Tapi it was a good movie. And why on earth people think the finance field was so dull, bored and skema? Memang betul pun.. Ekekekekekek.. Especially part secretary laki tu.. Muka dia very the finance person.. Oh hoi!
And the last chinese movie tak tengok lagi coz that one yen yang beli. Forgive me i memang tak tengok cite cina.. Maybe masa kecik2 ayah marah bila tengok cite cina ngan hindustan.. Tak tau lah kenapa... So end up sampai besar tak suka tengok.. Yang cite hindustan tu sebab dulu duk ngan babysitter so tiap2 kali lunch bila dia nak suap makan mesti depan tv tengok hindustan sampai nangis2 suap aku makan. That's the reason!.. Hiiiiihihii..
That's all for now..
GG on 8tv tonite. Best2x..

The 2nd movie was hindustan.. Heheheh.. I ♥ watch them provide only my favourite actor or actress berlakon. Nangis2 tak ingat berjurai2 air mata.. Ekekeke release tension when i drop a lot of tears.. Tapi janagn sampai jadi Kassim Selamat sudahla kan?

Then later sambung dengan shopaholic tue.. Tak ingat asal tak pegi tgk that movie. Tapi cam tak hype sangat tgk cite tu..Maybe i am not the shopaholic type. Tapi it was a good movie. And why on earth people think the finance field was so dull, bored and skema? Memang betul pun.. Ekekekekekek.. Especially part secretary laki tu.. Muka dia very the finance person.. Oh hoi!
And the last chinese movie tak tengok lagi coz that one yen yang beli. Forgive me i memang tak tengok cite cina.. Maybe masa kecik2 ayah marah bila tengok cite cina ngan hindustan.. Tak tau lah kenapa... So end up sampai besar tak suka tengok.. Yang cite hindustan tu sebab dulu duk ngan babysitter so tiap2 kali lunch bila dia nak suap makan mesti depan tv tengok hindustan sampai nangis2 suap aku makan. That's the reason!.. Hiiiiihihii..
That's all for now..
GG on 8tv tonite. Best2x..